Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Unemploy, day 2

Technically, it's not unemploy since I am still on the payroll to wrap up lose ends.  But, there was nothing left for me to do there.  I took a job and a situation that totally demeaned experience & the hard work I've done over 20+ years in selling stuff.

I ran into a former superior at my previous job with my now ex boss.  I was so intimidated by her known brand of superiority, dishonesty that I messed up the intros.  I knew it was the start of my demise at this lil' start up

I was acting on stress & fear, especially after my last weird departure from a job.

I was shut out from the process and couldn't prospect enough business.

Ugh, now I have to find another job.  And I am in a fog all around this time around.   Unlike the clarity I had the last time in leaving, with experience and relevant contacts.  

There are people fighting so many harder battles but job loss sucks.  I am praying for those who are profoundly devastated in TX.