Friday, June 15, 2012


Dear Charlotte,
Last Saturday, you turned six.  When I think of how quickly the past 6 years...the past almost ten years of motherhood has flown by, I am in disbelief.   We were awed by you and your sister on your birth days, our babies.

You have grown so much but sometimes, you still want to be little.  You told me the week before your birthday that you wanted to be three again.  You'd also like a baby in the house. You are our baby, and always will much as I'd like to get you a lil sibling.  I'd like to hold time still but am still excited at every stage of your young life.

I promised you I'd (try to) make cake pops for your birthday.  And they were a success!  Your cousins came down and we went to the pool for the entire day.  You saw your good friends Andrew, Daniel, Neva and Isabelle in the morning and then had Jillian and Olivia with you for the afternoon...we were basically at the pool all day, and you are becomming a brave little swimmer.  In our 3 pool outings, you've perfected a backward summersault and underwater are an adventure girl and I wish I could bottle your enthusiasm and happiness.  You also like to do cartwheels on land.  After swimming and playing at our house for a bit, we all went to Ella's Deli for dinner and ice cream.

On Sunday, you had your birthday party at Madison Children's Museum.  Your friend who is "so, so, so, so nice and the smartest boy in our class," Daniel was there and the two of you have a habit of holding hands.  Don't worry...I got a pic. ;)  Also, your friends Andrew, Isabelle, Abigail, Molly, Neva, Taylor, & Lydia were there too.  Your favorite guests, baby Molly and baby Eve were there as are beyond sweet to your baby cousins.  You all had fun and afterward, we went with your uncles and aunts and cousins for dinner at the Great Dane.

You had a wonderful first year of school.  Your Kindergarten class was made of awesome, from your wonderful and beloved Ms. Schroedel to the many kind friends you met in your class.  We were all sad to see Kindergarten end but you will no doubt tackle the next year with your signature enthusiasm and spirit.

Your spirit and are so kind, so patient and sweet.  You are loved and adored by so many, Charlotte.  You are a beautiful soul inside and out.  And funny...sometimes you humor me by reinacting the "two ones?" plea for a second cookie that you adorably did as a toddler.  You have changed our lives and we are absolutely blessed that you are ours.  I love you so much and look forward to our future together.
