Nataile had an issue with a rude little ADHD kid yesterday. She decided not to tell on her because the same kid had already gotten in trouble the day prior. The same kid came to summer camp with lice and passed it along, for weeks. I am a little judgemental but really starting to dislike this kid. These kind of confessions are what journals are for.
On Monday, Natale had to fill out a "job application" and I dunno, it was the first full day of school after her early 10am wake up calls a week prior so I think she was tired. She forgot her phone number. I picked her up from school and she was angry...didn't even acknowledge her best friend before leaving with me. She cried on the way to speech, during speech, and later that evening when Lance compared her sometimes lazy lackluster approach to doing sit ups to "Uncle Blake." She sobbed and cried and Lance did his usual insensitive "alligator tears" bullshit that I have hated for 20+ years. All Natalie could say was Please Do Not Call Me Uncle Blake, through sobs. Prior to that, she tried to explain that she had a bad day and he said, "yeah, so did I, we all have bad days." Is this reality? I have to mindfully keep my mouth closed and restrain myself physically from flicking him in the forehead to avoid a fight and let him explain himself to her instead.
So, yesterday am, I spoke with her teacher in the hallway regarding speech crossover techiniques (Natalie worked her tail off this summer with speech and has it mastered, but has to make it a pattern in her out of cilnic life now.) I followed up with teacher by email and she and Natalie put together a plan. Her teacher then mentioned the forgotten phone number incident and told me that she tried to console Natalie, told her to work with me to come up with a way to remember her phone number and wanted to address the issue as knowing one's phone # is a safety issue. So, yeah, I took the hit there. But not without telling Mr. H that Natalie does indeed know her own phone, my cell (Lance in his infinite wisdom recently changed his cell # so "no one can call him" and frankly, I just got his # committed to memory) and was extremely sad and tired that afternoon (the first full day of school), and not only about the phone number mishap.
Charlotte is an awesome Kindergarten student. She grogily, yet cheerfully, gets up every am before 6:30 and goes off to school. She tells me about her day and the Kindergarten Daily News also helps serve as an outline. She has been hitting her head a lot lately. Walking into walls. I am going to see about a vision check but she is doing phenomenally. I want to summarize, somehow, her going off to school. I can't yet do it. It's been a mixed bag but she is truly making us proud. I will write it someday soon.
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