Wednesday, May 11, 2011


It's hard to believe I'm here.  The most beautiful city in the world.  I've never been to Europe and for my first trip, I land in Paris.  I am still pinching myself.  I love my job and the work here has been fruitful to say the least. 

Outside of work, it's a photographers haven here.  The paradox of classic intertwined with the modern.  An IPad billboard right next to a 18th Century apartment building.  The beauty and grandeur of Notre Dame and the Ile St Louis.  The pediestrian and boat traffic along the Seine. Devouring a salmon salad, cramped in a busy St Michel outdoor cafe. The turn of the century architectural marvel that is the Eiffle Tower.  The massive and amazing Louvre and wondering what they did with all that space as a living quarters.  The authenticity of the Musse d'Orsay.  The friendly Parisians, helping me even when they parle non Anglas.  The metro system and it's people on their way to many points in the city.  Dining al fresco at a sidewalk Brasserie.  It's all been amazing.  Tomorrow, for my metro destinations, I am planning on the Champs Elysees and the Sacre Coure in Montmarte.  Also the Moulin Rouge and the tacky shops that surround it. 

If you're going to be missing your littles at home, Paris is not a bad place to do it.  This may be the point in this blog where I finally start to post photos.  Soon.  It's two more days and Au Revior to Paris.  Merci for all your hospitality!  You are everything I expected and more.

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