Friday, February 28, 2014

Gratitude 10

I am grateful for Ariana Huffington and her insightful commentary.  Today she blogged re: wisdom of her Greek mother. 

“Darling, just change the channel. You are in control of the clicker. Don’t replay the bad, scary movie.”

I hope I am a helpful mama, one who is able to impart good wisdom on her sprouts and help them be agents of change.  Help them be happy, healthy and whole despite the sadness that goes on in the world.

I am going look into some customer visits and maybe link into the fall RAMPS meeting.  It would be good for business development.
Me: Boss, do you mind if I schedule a trip to NYC to visit MSKCC, you know, the worlds largest one?
B: Oh, Michelle, that is a great idea.  Your intuitive market presence certainly should be rewarded with a healthy salary bump.  Thanks for the good work!

Well maybe not the last part.

The part I like the most is that I can potentially schedule sprouts and their dad along for the trip!

I have a great idea for a Buffalo opportunity as well.  Sad, sad Buffalo.  I hope Jon Bon Jovi buys the Bills.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Another Gratitude...

I am grateful for great quotes, that I find on great blogs:

“The simplicity that you obtain as a result of controlling your complexity is most satisfying.” Steve Jobs

How do we control that complexity?  All those loves, those interests, those contradictions?  We stop trying to control them.  We invite them all to a party and trust that they'll get along with each other and find connections naturally, without our micromanaging.
-Kelle Hampton

Make sure everything adds up, aligns, checks out with what you believe. It’s like I’m looking for errors and contradictions in my own life, and there’s a word for people who do that in other people’s lives:  Assholes.  I’m being an asshole to my own self, and I need to quit.
-Kelle Hampton

Stop worrying about your identity and concern yourself with the people you care about, ideas that matter to you, beliefs you can stand by, tickets you can run on. Intelligent humans make those choices with their brain and hearts and they make them alone. The world does not deliver meaning to you. You have to make it meaningful…and decide what you want and need and must do. It’s a tough, unimaginably lonely and complicated way to be in the world. But that’s the deal: you have to live; you can’t live by slogans, dead ideas, clichés, or national flags. Finding an identity is easy. It’s the easy way out." -Zadie Smith

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Gratitude #8

I am grateful for all the birthday wishes I received over the weekend!  They made me realize that I/we are not alone despite what overanalyzing minds may tell us.

45 will be new and exciting and badass!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Gratitude #7

I am grateful that my kids have multiple interests and pursue them with vigor.  5th Grade girls basketball is scary aggressive to me.  In an already competitive environment of parochial school parents (and non parochials sometimes) trying to set their 11 year old up for a future NCAA scholarship, I see my Natalie rising above and just playing ball, fast breaking, rebounding and even scoring 6 of the 11 points at the final buzzer yesterday.  She collided with two opponents, fell and was on the verge, but she got right back up and even proceeded to get the rebound.  Seeing them grow is amazing at times.  And, my Charlotte...gets right in the middle of the soccer pack and kicks that ball hard and fearlessly.  And she watches her form and placement in every gymnastics move.

Seeing them grow and watching their interests grow is amazing and bittersweet.  I sometimes wish I could provide Charlotte with that baby sibling she wants so badly, just to do it again and watch these sweet years unfold.